- · Seeks Declaratory Judgement that a person register physically in Palau
A motion
asking the court to grant Temporary Restraining Order and an injunction against
Palau Election Commission to stop them from opening and counting all absentee
ballots cast outside of the Republic of Palau on September 27, 2016 primary
election was filed on the eve of the Primary Election by Joel Toribiong and
Plaintiffs, Richard Silmai, Ephraim Ngiraite, Moses Yobech, Isreal Demei and
Richard Sundei.

The plaintiffs
asked the court to grant TRO and restrain Palau Election Commission from
opening, counting and tabulating all absentee ballots cast by overseas voters
and received by Palau election commission.
plaintiffs claim that their motion meets all the standards required for an
injunction to be issued. Citing that their case has high likelihood of success,
that they will suffer irreparable injury if injunction is not granted, that
harm to them is greater that potential harm to PEC and that it is in the best
interest of the public to grant the TRO.