Palau National Scholarship Board has completed awarding all eligible applicants for school year 2016-2017. The Scholarship Board is happy to report that among this year’s recipients are 6 outstanding students who were declared eligible to receive full scholarships.
            A recipient of Palau Full Scholarship must be at least in his or her junior/senior college standing, major in a property field, be a full-time student with at least a minimum cumulative grade point average (gpa) of 3.5 or higher. Based on these qualifications, PNSB awards the full scholarship according to the amount certified as the financial need of the student.
            PNSB disburses the first half of the scholarship award in the fall. The remaining half will be awarded at the beginning of the spring semester provided the student maintains his/her enrollment as proven by submission of grade reports/transcripts and class schedules. The board reports that for this semester (fall 2016), PNSB has awarded a little over 1.4 million to 201 students or about 76% of the total applicants. The other 24% of the PNSB applicants were ineligible due to various reasons such lacking college credits, not meeting the minimum gpa requirements of incomplete/late submissions. PNSB reports that scholarship funds has nearly doubled which has truly helped the students as PNSB rewards are reportedly at the highest since the scholarship program started. Dr. Christopher Kitalong, PNSB Chairperson, hopes to see the number of recipients increase and encourages the young Palauans to go to college.  
            At the same time, Palau Fellowship Award (8 week – internship program) is available for recent college juniors/seniors/recent graduates to apply. The next deadline is November 1, 2016 for an internship during the winter or spring semester. Visit or contact scholarship office for more information 488-3608 or email at

Source: Island Times 

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