Educate the whole child mind, body and heart (develop academic and career readiness, character, health, wellness, and the arts) 
How do we encourage and support young people to be successful in Palauan society and in the world? 

Ensure student readi-ness to enter post-secondary education, training, and the world of work 

Strengthen and enhance classroom instruction with a focus on enrichment and skill reinforcement 
1. Implement differentiated instructional strategies that engage students in their learning 
2. Establish after school programs with dedicated staffing 
3. Develop additional ways to strengthen and expand the transition plan from 8th through 9th grades 
4. Provide skill-intensive intervention programs to better prepare students for grade promotion and school level transitions (Elementary, Secondary, Post-secondary) 

Provide alternative education options to better meet the needs of students 
1. Identify at-risk and drop out students clearly 
2. Establish a learning center for alternative studies 
3. Undertake early identification and intervention for at-risk youth 
4. Initiate early college readiness identification and re-mediation 
5. Establish a vocational/ technical center

Give every child the opportunity to attend public kindergarten 
1. Provide developmentally appropriate, public kindergarten 
2. Strengthen the transition process between Head Start and the public school system 

Strengthen Special Education Program to better accommodate students with special needs 
1. Strengthen Child Study Teams (CST) process to facilitate intervention and referral as appropriate 
2. Expand training to coordinate services between Special Education and General Education 
3. Strengthen inclusion of special needs students within the classroom 
4. Provide occupational and life-skill training for SPED students transitioning through the program

How do schools promote a Palauan identity and address growing diversity in student enrollment, i.e. working families, returning Palauans, multi-ethnic students, socio-economic status, ethnicity, etc.? 

How might we encourage and support young people to gain global experience and create a professional network, especially with other Pacific Islanders? 


Empower principals and teachers to strengthen student learning in their schools and classrooms 

Strengthen the effectiveness and the professionalism of teachers 
1. Establish a Classroom focused training initiative to include: 
     a. Individualized, coaching support for teachers 
     b. Short, intensive entry level workshop for new teachers 
     c. On-going targeted training in content and in instructional practice 
2. Maximize effective class preparation and use of instructional time by minimizing structural/organizational mandates 
3. Implement a teacher specific evaluation system 

Strengthen the leadership and professionalism of principals 
1. Implement a program initiative to provide principals with: 
     a. a short, intensive entry level workshop for new principals 
     b. On-going targeted training 
     c. Support and mentor-ship 
     d. a principal certificate upon completion of coursework and reflective internship 
2. Implement a principal specific evaluation system 

Create a robust teacher recruitment and retention program 
1. Develop a recruitment campaign with media outreach 
2. Strengthen the Teachers Academy to create a substitute teacher pool 
3. Provide incentives to attract degree and experienced teachers 

Develop a path to hire trained and qualified teachers and principals 
1. Ensure that all teachers have a minimum of an Associate's Degree in five years (2022) 
     a. Hire only teachers who have at least an Associate Degree starting with the 2017-18 school year     b. Establish Associate Cohorts in partnership with Palau Community College to assist current teachers in attaining their degree within 5 years 
2. Ensure that 50% of all teachers have a Bachelor Degree in ten years (2026) 
     a. Strengthen Bachelor Cohort program opportunities 
     b. Establish a 4-year Bachelors in Education program (2+2) 
3. Hire contract teachers to enable MOE teachers to attend school full time for content mastery. 
4. Implement teacher and principal license and certification systems 

I How do we build a cadre of educated and certified teachers and principals to meet the changing needs in our school system? 


Ensure that students are college ready and career ready (academic and vocational/technical) through an effective and challenging curriculum 

Align the curriculum with the learning needs of students 
1. Establish a scheduled cycle for reviewing, revising, and aligning the curriculum (K) 1-12 
2. Fully implement the career guidance and college readiness efforts (K)1-12 
3. Provide curricular flexibility to better meet the needs students 
4. Create a developmentally appropriate kindergarten curriculum  

Ensure the local relevance of resources, materials, and curriculum content 
1. Implement a curriculum' review committee to ensure relevancy 
2. Strengthen Palauan Language and culture in instruction and practice across subjects 
3. Develop an instructional language protocol that will meet the needs of diverse learners 
4. Develop locally produced curricular materials and activities 
5. Train teachers in the use of local resources including community individuals and agencies

Strengthen the effectiveness and use of instructional time 
1. Provide teacher training in classroom management and other teaching strategies 
2. Provide training in the integration of technology tools to enhance learning 
3. Align curriculum learning targets with available instructional days and time 
4. Consider increasing learning times for Language and Math 

Review and revise the Assessment System to be effective and informative 
1. Identify the actual purpose(s) for assessment and design assessments accordingly 
2. Review the make-up and validity of assessments and their questions 
3. Involve teachers and principals in providing feedback on the effectiveness of assessments identifying student learning proficiency 
4. Ensure that individual student and group assessment results are given to the relevant stakeholders in a timely manner 

How can the assessment system be strengthened to increase its effectiveness to impact learning through informing instruction? 


Provide a strong and effective system of supports that promote a positive learning environment for students and the smooth operation of schools 

Strengthen the Student Data and Education Management Information Systems to facilitate school and Ministry effectiveness 
1. Clearly define the needed statistics to best inform decisions for school support and classroom direction 
2. Establish an integrated system of information that provides information to the Ministry and between schools 
3. Established an integrated school-based information system 

Establish technology as an integrated teaching and learning tool to better meet instructional needs 
1. Adopt a Technology Use Policy for staff and students 
2. Ensure that each school has strong internet capability and access to the world-wide web 
3. Ensure that each school has the technical (hard ware and software) tools for learning with established standards for each classroom/school 
4. Establish a distance delivery system for teacher and student instruction (e.g. webinars, digital courses) 
5. Provide instructional technology training 
6. Provide technicians to maintain and promote technology equipment and systems  

Promote teaching as a desirable profession and recruit accordingly 
1. Undertake , a media campaign to highlight school and teacher successes 
2. Institute "Teacher Appreciation Week", or similar recognition, to raise the profile of teachers within the community 
3. Highlight the successes and strengths of students and  teachers to reinforce the importance and satisfaction of being an educator 

Establish a coordinated and focused system for training and follow-up to support school instruction 
1. Provide on-going training to MOE Central Office staff to directly support school instruction 
2. Establish an effective follow-up support mechanism for each training workshop 
3. Establish an effective and efficient system for selecting technical assistance, training, conferences and grants in alignment with identified goals, needs and on-going initiatives 

Strengthen MOE Support Services to the Schools 
1. Fully implement the counseling and career guidance program 
2. Provide teacher aides to selected classrooms to address size and other considerations as needed 
3. Provide professional development for school-based support staff 
4. Improve support services efficiency and cost effectiveness by adopting and implementing best practices and standards-based operations 
5. Update personnel procedures, policies and license relevant to education 

Should there be variations within the structure to accommodate the different needs of large and small schools and communities? 


Work with family, community, employers, NGOs, government ministries, development partners and the public to sup-port students in schools and in their community. 

Establish inter-agency programs to support students in schools 
1. Develop comprehensive service supports with MOH 
2. Develop a MOE/MOJ partnership for educating incarcerated youth 
3. Work with PCC to facilitate degree attainment and to earn credits through continuing education options for teachers 
4. Work with Ministry of Finance to streamline and expedite the hiring process for teachers 
5. Work with OEK to pass legislation for the betterment of education 
6. Work with employers to expand and enrich student internship opportunities 

Strengthen the partnership with family and community to support their children and to be engaged in their education 
1. Implement an annual Parent Opinion Survey 
2. Implement individualized Parent Teacher Conferences twice a year 
3. Establish a parent portal for information and resources on the MOE website 
4. Broaden communications to parents via social media 
5. Ensure that parents receive their child's assessment/ testing results and report cards in a timely manner. 

How do family, community, and school, work together to maintain, preserve, and promote the "Palauan" culture and identity within a diverse society? 

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