31, August (Ngermash, Angauur) On the occasion of Fourth Quarter Financial Performance Report for the state of Angaur held Anguar Community Center, Governor Marvin Ngirutang handed out 80 bicycles to all the households in Angaur including all 16 Angaur Elementary School students.
The bicycles were donated by a philanthropist, friend of Delegate Mario Gulibert, Senetor Camsek Chin, Senetor Regis Akitaya and Governor Ngirutang.
Included with the bicycles were adult diapers, water containers, traditional Japanese rice cooker pots and apple products such as iPhones, Desktops, Tablets, Printer, Office Camera, Air conditions for all classrooms, sports shoes and clothing for all the students.
"These are all part of our commitment and dedication towards Angaur's student's education", says Governor Ngirutang. The bicycles to each of the households are meant to help shoulder the need for transportation and promote daily exercise for our people", added the governor.

Source:  Island Times Palau 

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