Badrulchau Stone Monolith

Palau's largest, and probably, most ancient, megalithic site. Although there are sites which contain a larger volume of stones, none equals the number or size of the shaped stones found here. Without a doubt, Badrulchau ia the foundation for large structure, presumably a bai. The most puzzling features are the lack of a stone platform and the lack of an explanation for the center row of stones found within the stone support formation.
Legend says that Badrulchau was built by eight men, presumed to be gods. Three of these were said to have been the leaders and initially the only builders. Another, Ichaderngel, sometimes assisted the first three. The remaining four helped in the building through magic. The story goes on to say that one day the primary builders and magicians ate lunch forgetting to invite Ichaderngel. Using a bit of magic, Ichaderngel made a roaster crow. Upon finding out the trick that had been played on them, the gods never returned to work on the site. It is said that scattered materials can be found throughout Babeldoab, waiting for the call of the master builders.

Traditional Villages and Ancient Pathways

More than two dozen traditional village sites are located in the state of Ngaraard. These traditional villages represent important symbol identifying families, clans and regions.Numerous stone features with historical and traditional importance can be found in each village. Many of the stone features or odesongel serve as clan cemeteries while others serve as shrines.
The best preserved system of pathways and stone features in Ngaraard extends from Ulimang through Ngebuked and Chelab to Ngesang. In many places along the paths there are stone cap bridges across small streams. Taro patches, garden plot and terraced hillsides often surround the villages.
Considered one of the best preserved in Palau, the traditional village of Chelab was known as a traditional center of pottery manufacturing thus rich deposits of clay can be found on the lower hillsides around the site.

Ngardmau Eco Tour Park

This is Palau's premier waterfall. the path leading to the waterfall is well maintained and takes approximately 20 minutes to reach the bottom. For those Visitors needing a bit more excitement, a zip line provides a wonderful opportunity to see the area from above the canopy. For those less adventurous, a cable car is also available. While some may feel that these additional enhancements take away from Ngardmau Waterfall's pristine beauty, all agree that it is still very much worth a visit.
On the way down, of the main path, secondary trail leads to an old bauxite mining car. Don't forget to get your swimsuit while visiting Ngardmau Eco Tour Park.

Ngaremlengui's Uluang Terraces and Ngermeskang Bird Sanctuary

Across the road from the Ngaremlengui State office building, in the distance, one can see the Uluang Terrace. Also visit the large summerhouse across the road, on the right, the site of an ancient traditional village.
The Ngermeskang Bird Sanctuary is located directly off the Compact Road just past mile maker 13.

Ngatpang Waterfall

One of the main attraction to the waterfall is its proximity to Koror and the Compact Road.
The side roads are not well maintained nor is it any easy site to find as much of the area has become overgrown. Thus we recommend that you visit this site with a local guide or, at the very least, someone who has been there before.
The waterfall is just a few minutes walk down and provides the good sound backdrop to the visual serenity of the area.

Masol's Tomb

Direngulbai, the highest ranking woman in Aimeliek was married to the Paramount Chief Reklai from Melekeok. One day, alson, a brave and feared warrior in palau, and Direngulbais' son were helping build a bai. Arguing who lay the last section, Malsol pushed Direngulbai's sons to his death.
Direngulbais swore revenge convincing her husband Reklai to help. Reklai sent Bekeuelbechab, another brave warrior. Bekeuelbechab found Malsol fishing in Ngeremlengui. Malsol managed to avoid the spears thrown in his way but wasn't able to avoid the dagger hidden in Bekeuelbechab's loincloth when they were fighting. The badly hurt Malsol was taken back to Elechul where Direngulbai had gathered all the women together each carrying a stone. The women stoned Malsol to death. The stone becoming his tomb.

Aimelik Bai

The original bai of Old Ngerkeai Village was in ruins on its platform in the early 1900s, was reconstructed using traditional method in 1980.
Traditional, or stone work, villages were used by Palauans between 150-700 years ago. Complexes made from massive stone architecture included platforms for burials, bai foundation, cooking and resting areas, bathing places, docks, bothhouses, shrines, wells and stone paths to connect the buildings and villages.

Ngiwal Dock

Although there are several ways to get to Ngiwal, the best way to get there is through Melekeok. From Odalmelech Stone Faces, continuing north on the main road, take the first leftand go up the hill, stay left on the first fork, and straight thereafter. Straight through cross-roads at 2.8 km and stay right on fork at 4.3 km. The state office is the lagre building across the street.

Ngardok Lake

Located in the state of Melekeok, Ngardok Lake is Micronesia's largest natural freshwater lake. The entire watershed draining into the lake is protected as part of Lake Ngardok Nature Reserve. The unique nature of the lake makes it popular for visitors (tourist and local alike). Visitors facilities include a well-maintained trail, signs and informational materials, visitor center and nursery were designed to improve the visitor experience and reduce threats from visitation.

Melekeok Bai

Although not as old as the Airai bai, the bai and the surrounding area stone paths and forest, are well worth the visit.

Odalmelech Stone Faces

The Odalmelech Stone Monoliths, carbon dated as far as 895 A.D., are one of Palau's most important and ancient sites.

Ngchesar War Canoe

The 43 feet canoe on display is a replica of the original Bisebusch Kabekel (war Canoe) and was built using traditional methods and tools. In 1980, she sailed with a full complement of warriors on board.
The original Bisebusch, belonged to the warriors of the men's group Ngara-Bitelaol. It was well known and popular as it was used by Ngchesar's Bekeul Bechab, a well known, strong, smart and fierce warrior hero during Palau's combined campaign to defeat Peleliu, more than a hundred years ago. The original Bisebusch gained even more fame and popularity when it was again used by Bekeul Bechab to defeat Direngulbai's enemy from Ngeremlengui by the name of Malsol.

Jungle River Tour

Explore Palau tropical jungle on a relaxing cruise down the Ngerdorch River to the ocean. Many of Palau's endemic birds, fruit bats and sometimes even a saltwater crocodile can be spotted. Tours are offered daily but reservation are required.

Airai Bai

Bai ra Irrai, one of a few traditional men's meeting houses remaining in Palau, is said to be over 200 years old. On the site are several stone pathways, platforms and two interpretive signs that give the visitor an insight into traditional Airai Village and the role and significance of the Bai.

Yapese Stone Money Quarry

The quarry, located on Metuker ra Bisech island, off the south coast of Airai, can only be reached by boat. It is improved and well maintained site, with trails and three interpretive signs that gives the visitor an account of ancient Yapese stone money quarrying in Palau. Since most boat travel through the rock islands is depending on the ocean tides, make your travel arrangements as early as possible. 

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